Too much Marisol ...
Marisol is a fun geometric printed pattern from Clarence House. Wondering what in the world "Marisol" means, we found from that it is the first name of a Venezuelan born artist. (We don't like the Urban Dictionary's definition!) We have too much Marisol in stock!!
Prior to the 25% discount we are offering, Marisol sells for $14.95 per yard. It's 100% linen with 18" horizontal and vertical repeats and is approximately 54" wide. It's a "happy" pattern and can be used for draperies, table linens or wherever your creative mind leads.
Now through October 12th, we are offering 25% off of Marisol CL Brights and Marisol CL Grey. Shop now for best availability. There is a limit of 3 uses per customer. Yardage will be continuous for small orders and may be in two pieces for largers orders (20+ yards).
Use Coupon Code: MARISOL-25% at checkout. Shop where you'll find curated brands from all over the world at affordable, sensible pricing.