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How to select the best outdoor fabric for your lawn/patio upholstery requirements?

How to select the best outdoor fabric for your lawn - Overstock Fabric

Who doesn’t like sipping hot tea with their partner sitting in the patio while the wind blows through their hair? This is the reason why most of us want to place our furniture outside or on the lawn, under the naked sky. While it’s good for our mental health to spend some time outside on the lawn, the upholstery fabric doesn’t experience the same thing. Dust, debris, pollution, and fluctuating weather condition wreak havoc over the fabric

So, it’s important to shop for the correct upholstery outdoor fabric that can withstand the wrath of nature. In this guide, we have listed below some of the important things to look for while buying fabric for outdoor furniture. Taking certain things into consideration will extend the life of your outdoor upholstery fabric and won’t get damaged soon.

1-Abrasion resistance

While you go on the shopping spree for the perfect outdoor upholstery fabric, make sure it is abrasion resistance. The upholstery fabric should be able to stand up to abrasion when tension is applied. Abrasion resistance fabrics for outdoors are usually stiff, heavy, and coated with other resins or vinyl. This is one of the most important factors you should look for while shopping for outdoor upholstery fabric. 


One can determine the amount of breathability provided by their fabric based on how much air is allowed to pass through it. No matter whether you’re looking for indoor fabrics or outdoor fabrics, breathability is an important factor to look for. During scorching summer months, outdoor fabrics that aren’t much breathable will give you a damp feeling when you sit over it. In order to avoid that, you should always check the breathability. Not merely that, using a non-breathable outdoor fabric also encourages the growth of mildew and mold. In turn, this might end up giving you serious skin infections. 

3-Water resistance

The water-resistance feature decides the amount of water that will roll off or get absorbed by the upholstery fabric's surface. One cannot get breathability as well as water resistance in a single piece of fabric. Both the features can’t be present. The water-resistant fabrics don’t bring breathability and vice-versa. 

However, it’s important to consider the water-resistant property as there are chances that your children might spill liquid over your upholstery fabric and ruin it. If this happens, not only the fabric but the furniture also might be damaged. If you have a water-resistant fabric on, then rain, liquid spills, nothing can reduce your furniture or fabric’s life expectancy. 


Placing your furniture under the naked sky has its own adverse effects. The hard sun rays will end up fading the color of your upholstery fabric. And that’s why you should look for colorfastness while getting a piece of fabric for your furniture. The colorfastness of a fabric is determined by how long the color stays over years of exposure to rain, snow, and sun. 

You should pay extra attention to this feature if you’re planning to get a vibrant color for cushion, covers, and awnings. Dark color fabrics become faded way sooner than light-colored fabrics. On heavy use, some outdoor fabric begins to fade or stretch. So, we recommend you to make your decisions wisely. 


Even though you might consider it not as important as the other factors mentioned in this guide, you should know that cleanability plays a great role in determining the fabric’s longevity. Cleanability refers to how fast the fabric can release dirt from its weave. Dirt trapped inside the fabric weave is the driving factor behind the growth of mold & mildew. It has been noticed that fabrics having single-side coating don’t release dirt very well. Make sure to frequently inspect the fabrics and clean them to combat the growth of anything. 

6-UV Resistance

When you talk about the potential harms to the outdoor fabric, UV rays come at number one on the list. UV rays are as harmful to our fabric as it is to our skin. So, while shopping for outdoor upholstery fabric, make sure the fabric can withstand the UV rays when exposed to sunlight for hours. One doesn’t need to buy UV-resistant fabrics for indoor furniture as they’ll not receive much UV rays. However, if you’re planning to give a makeover to the patio or lawn, make sure to purchase UV-resistant upholstery fabric so that it’ll last longer.

Additionally, if your indoor furniture gets direct sunlight through the window, investing in a UV-resistant upholstery would be an ideal move. 

7-Avoid Mold & Mildew

Most people don’t pay attention to the possibility of mold growth and mildew while shopping for patio or lawn fabrics. For instance, if your upholstery fabric is placed over the patio or under the naked sky, in the lawn, there are high chances that water will permeate through your fabric and foam to the inside. With the passage of time, the absorbed water might get trapped and lead to the growth of mildew, mold, and unreversed damage. The best way to avoid this problem is to buy water-resistant fabric that doesn’t let water get inside. Also, fabric guards can be used to avoid water absorption. Invest in the correct fabric and maintain it regularly so that it’ll last for years.


People need to pay extra attention to their outdoor projects as compared to the indoor project. This is because your outdoor fabric is exposed to all kinds of the wrath of nature, while your indoor fabric doesn’t come across any of it. If you keep in mind the points mentioned above, your fabric will last longer than you’ve expected. Also, online shopping has made it easier than ever for us to get the exact product that we’ve always wanted. Several online stores are now coming up with exciting offers, especially during festivities. So, what are you waiting for? Don’t miss the opportunity and grabs the best deals available at the shopping site right away!

Are you looking for a store that deals with only good-quality fabrics? Well, the Overstock upholstery fabric offers exactly that. All our fabrics are carefully selected from top-notch designer brands such as P Kaufmann, Fabricut, Ralph Lauren, PK Lifestyles, Holl Brown, Clarence House, etc. We flaunt a wide variety of options to choose from. There are different patterns, styles, colors, and brands so that you can find the best fit. We deliver an easy solution to all your furnishing requirements. All the latest designer fabrics are available at our site to update your living, dining, patio, lawn, and bedroom look. Get a sophisticated and elegant look by getting the professionally designed outdoor fabrics from our store. Not only fabrics, but we also deal with wallpaper, draper lining, and trim to add charm to your house. Also, everything available at our site is quite affordable. If you’ve got further queries, contact us via mail at customerservice@overstockupholsteryfabric.com or give us a call at (336) 885-4535.