Fabric News | Overstock Upholstery Fabric Tips

  • How to find the right wallpaper to match your room decor?

    How to find the right wallpaper to match your room decor?

    Wallpaper is the stuff used in interior decor to decorate the indoor walls of household and public buildings. Usually, it is sold in rolls and is implemented onto a wall using papering paste

    The history of wallpaper goes way back to the Renaissance period in Europe. At that time, the elite people used to hang tapestries on their house walls. Early wallpaper highlighted scenes the same as those portrayed on tapestries. Sometimes large paper sheets were loosely hung on the walls, in a similar manner of tapestries, and many a time pasted as the techniques used recently. 

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  • The 5 Wallpaper Secrets to Spruce Up your Space

    The 5 Wallpaper Secrets to Spruce Up your Space

    The world is still reeling under the COVID-19 pandemic, which means most of the people are living indoors most of the time. The only time they go out is to get essential things like groceries. Life is dull and boring with nothing to do for many people. But there is one thing you can do to utilize the time and do something productive and ensure the best result – decorating your home.

    Home décor is one thing that never goes out of fashion. If you have been complaining about lack of time, you now have plenty of it. Why not make the best of it and indulge in some Overstock wallpaper decoration of your house?

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  • How to pair the overstock wallpaper with your home décor?

    How to pair the overstock wallpaper with your home décor?

    Let’s start by picturing any of the rooms in your home; did you have the walls vividly figured out in your imagination? If the answer isn’t affirmative, it’s time that you spruced up the walls of your rooms. Typically, our primary concern is about what is between the walls. We spend maximum time while designing the interiors of our house by fussing over the furniture, the fabric used, and other decorative accessories. Seldom do we consider changing the looks of the walls to attract all the focus onto them.

    The impact of richly patterned overstock wallpaper or a beautifully colored wall is often underrated. 

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  • How to select the best overstock wallpaper for your home décor needs?

    How to select the best overstock wallpaper for your home décor needs?

    Something that was once considered not perfect for the home décor is today’s standard for any household. More and more people are opting to add beautiful wallpapers to their walls, depending on the theme of their décor. However, if you are looking for a first time purchase of the overstock wallpaper, you need to follow certain guidelines to make the best purchase.

    By now, you might probably be wondering whether your choice comes with a consequence. Would your choice gel well with the rest of the décor? Would it actually look good for your home?

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